Markforged Metal X + Wash-1 + Sinter-1 Bundle

10 372 450 грн.11 609 640 грн.

inkl. VAT

Print volume: 300×220×180 mm

The Metal X metal 3D printing system based on MFFF technology is an affordable way to produce complex metal parts from a wide range of modern metals.

Digital Forge Basic included – essential features for printing durable, functional parts.

Basic benefits include:

  • Eiger™, the engine of the Digital Forge
  • Industry leading security
  • 12-Month Warranty

➤ Free training to operate with 3D printer and related programs in our 3D printing center. Technical support during operation. Highly qualified service


Buy the Markforged Metal X kit, Wash-1 and Sinter-1

On this page, you have the opportunity to buy the Markforged Metal X – a metal 3D printer in a bargain bundle with Wash-1 and Sinter-1. This way, you have access to the full technological cycle of 3D printing metal parts directly in your production facility, without outsourcing the washing and annealing processes. Production of uniquely shaped metal parts in 28 hours!

The Metal X metal printing system is based on fourth-generation composite 3D printing technology and is a completely new type of 3D printer. By printing metal powder bonded in a plastic matrix, Markforged has eliminated the safety risks associated with traditional metal 3D printing, while enabling new features such as closed cell filling for lighter weight parts and lower costs.


How does it work?

This procedure saves time from design to printing of heavy metal parts.

  • Design. Once you’ve uploaded your CAD STL file and selected the material, EIGER software does the rest, making it easy to print the part you want.
  • Printing. The system prints your part with metal powder bonded to plastic, layer by layer to form the shape of your dense metal part. The parts are oversized to compensate for shrinkage during the sintering process.
  • Sintering. The printed parts go through a washing stage to remove some of the binder. They are then sintered in a furnace and the metal powder is fused into solid metal.
  • Part. After sintering, you get


Buy Markforged Metal X kit, Wash-1 and Sinter-1


Wide range of metal materials

The Metal X printer works with more than five different metal materials. From stainless steel and copper to the high-temperature alloy Inconel 625, you’ll get high-quality metal parts the next day.


Eliminate supply chain headaches

Supply chains can be unpredictable, but they don’t have to put your production needs on hold. Reduce costs and headaches by bringing metal part production in-house with the best metal 3D printer on the market. You don’t have to wait weeks or months for that vital part – you can have it the next day.



Metal X metal printing system

Metal X printer

Markforged Metal X is a new metal printer that uses a plastic die to bind metal powder, eliminating the safety risks of traditional metal 3D printers. It is safe for use in a shop environment with minimal equipment upgrades and features a precision gantry, heated chamber, print platform, and advanced extrusion equipment.



The Markforged Sinter-1 is a tube furnace used to sinter metal parts printed on a 3D printer. Typically, the Sinter-1 furnace has a working time of 26 to 31 hours.

Sinter-1 Technical Data Sheet



Wash-1 is a solvent-based binder removal system that uses Opteon SF79. It can be substituted with Opteon SF80 or Tergo Metal Cleaning Fluid if required. Wash-1 operates with simple ventilation and has a clear user experience. The Wash-1 system has been tested and confirmed as a safe system for the shop.

Wash-1 Technical Data Sheet



Digital Forge support

Digital Forge Complete support plans combine software, support, and training to meet your business needs so you can safely produce industrial-strength parts with efficiency and confidence.

  • Software

Digital Forge is powered by Eiger™, Msrkforged’s cloud-based slicing system.
Eiger is easy to use and integrates seamlessly into your production process, allowing you to print any part in your 3D printer as needed at any time.

  • Support

All new printers come with a 1-year warranty.
Keep your devices running at peak performance with minimal downtime with the added benefits of reactive support, replacement of wear parts, and more.

  • Training

Composites and metals certification programs teach the core concepts of additive manufacturing and Markforged technologies through advanced application identification and design for additive manufacturing (DfAM).

You can compare Basic, Essential, Advanced, and On-Prem support plans and choose yours here.


Digital Forge Basic support is included in the price.



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