Formlabs Fuse Sift SLS powder recovery station

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Fuse Sift is a safe and efficient powder collection and mixing system for Formlabs Fuse 3D printers.

  • Printer compatibility: Fuse 1, Fuse 1+ 30W
  • Add-ons: Fuse Sift Glovebox Panel, Parts Carrier
  • Accessories: Industrial Vacuum 230V, Powder-Safe SLS Vacuum

➤ 3DDevice is an Authorized Partner of Formlabs in Ukraine and Moldova


Fuse Sift – powder recovery station for Formlabs Fuse SLS 3D printer

Fuse Sift for Fuse 1 is a safe and efficient nylon powder collection system for the Formlabs Fuse 1 and Fuse 1+ 30W 3D printers.

This universal station will help you to conveniently and safely cope with many tasks in production using SLS technology:

  • remove the printed parts from the unused powder,
  • collect and refresh this unspent powder,
  • store and mix powder in one freestanding device.

Fuse Sift will help you conveniently, functionally and compactly organize the processing of bulk nylon in one SLS powder processing device.

With the optional Fuse Sift Glovebox Panel, you can completely contain powder and enable faster parts extraction.


How does it works? Formlabs Fuse 1 Ecosystem

After printing is complete, you need to move the build chamber to the Fuse Sift. This safe and efficient powder recovery station makes your workflow perfect. It automatically doses and mixes used and new powder in the ratio you set on the display.

The device is equipped with a negative air pressure system that keeps the powder inside. Powder from the cooking chamber will not enter your work area. Plus, this gives you open access under the hood and easy cleaning of parts with the built-in vacuum hose.

By reusing the powder, you will reduce waste with a 30% material renewal rate. Fuze Sift filters out particles, which are then mixed with new powder and used in future prints. Thus, up to 70% recycled powder can be used for printing. After transferring the build chamber to Fuse Sift at the end of printing, install a new build chamber in Fuse 1 so as not to interrupt the printing process.

No other SLS system on the market today provides this level of functionality from a single device.


Specifications Fuse Sift

Printer CompatibilityFuse 1
Dimensions991 × 610 × 1888 mm
Assembly chamber dimensions279 × 342 × 489 mm
Screening weight of fuses93 kg
Assembly chamber weight11 kg (17,6 kg, заполнено 20% порошка)
Air filtration technologyReplacement HEPA filter
Build volume16,5 x 16,5 x 30,0 cm (rounded corners)
Hopper capacity for fresh powder10.7 kg Nylon 12
Hopper capacity for used powder9.8 kg Nylon 12
Working environment18 – 26 ºC
≤ 30% ambient humidity
Air treatmentNegative pressure hood with replaceable HEPA filter.
Independent ventilation system
Air filtrationReplaceable HEPA medium
Power RequirementsAt a vacuum of less than 6A (230 VAC) / 12A (120 VAC):
EU: 230 VAC, 7.5 A (dedicated circuit)
With a vacuum of more than 6A (230 VAC) / 12A (120 VAC):
EU: 230 VAC, 10 A (dedicated circuit)
Vacuum requirementsAuxiliary vacuum with static dissipative components that is grounded and bonded (e.g., NFPA 652 compliant vacuum)
ConnectionWi-Fi, Ethernet, USB 2.0
Sound emissionDoes not exceed 76.5 dB
Filter fuse controlInteractive touch screen, physical buttons
Accessories includedLarge brush
Small brush x 2
Chimney sweeps
Dental selections
Safety glasses
Vacuum Brush Tool
Vacuum slotted tool
Lifting belts


Fuse Sift for SLS 3D printer Formlabs Fuse 1 ecosystem


Fuse 1: Highly efficient selective laser sintering is finally available:



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