3D printer APS W 2.0

11 750 000 грн.

A unique modular 3D printer that can print with any filament available on the market, with an extrusion temperature of up to 500 °C and a filament diameter of 1.75 or 2.85 mm.


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The next generation of 3D printers – APS W 2.0

We are pleased to introduce the APS W 2.0, an advanced modular 3D printer that is capable of printing any type of filament available on the market.

A unique printer with an open modular system. One machine prints and performs the functionality of different printers with a maximum variety of materials.

With 4 automatic interchangeable printheads and 3 to 5 axis technology, W 2.0 printers become truly multi-tasking and capable of producing the most complex parts. This advanced technology enables the creation of 3D printed parts from continuous carbon fibers that are extremely lightweight yet highly durable.


Main features

  • Modular design – Expands the range of applications available.
  • Printheads – 4 automatic Direct/Bowden interchangeable printheads, quick change in less than 3 seconds.
  • Large print volume – 400*250*370 mm.
  • Nozzle temperature – up to 500 °C.
  • Repeatable print accuracy – up to 0.02 mm.
  • Open system – free choice of filament and slicer. Simplification of the 3D standard, choice of data storage – locally or in the cloud.
  • Axial technology – 3 axes.
  • Print heads water cooling.
  • Built-in patented cutting system in the print head.
  • Heating of the working surface – up to 200°C.
  • Video surveillance.


Available printing technologies

Unique features make the APS W 2.0 the most innovative and versatile 3D printer in the world, as it is capable of printing with many FDM technologies:

  • FFF printing technology – production from fused filaments.
  • CFF technology – production from continuous filament.
  • Sinter technology – sintered materials.
  • Greenling technology – copper wires and optical fibers, etc. in the matrix.


New possibilities with additional modules for APS W 2.0

Adapt the system to your needs: upgraded printheads, heating chamber, air filter, etc. Customized solutions with specific requirements are one of the printer’s strengths.

As a versatile 3D printer, the APS W 2.0 can also be customized with modules such as laser functions, processing, assembly, transportation, and more. For example, modules such as RFID or sensors can be integrated directly into the 3D printed part. These features open up a wide range of application possibilities that were not previously possible.


Samples of 3D printed copper wires with the APS W 2.0


Samples of 3D printing copper wires with the APS W 2.0

Buy a universal modular 3D printer APS W 2.0 in Ukraine

Modular 3D printer APS W 2.0. Samples of 3D printing copper wires


Open system

Modular 3D printer APS W 2.0 creates no restrictions for third-party suppliers. Open hardware and software add benefits such as free choice of printing materials, and even 3D printing technologies and more:

  • Free choice of filaments.
  • Continuous carbon fiber printing.
  • Print continuous fibers directly on the garage work surface.
  • Patented print head with integrated cutter.
  • 4 automatic changeable printheads.
  • Optional modules that can be selected and customized.

Custom high-tech filaments from APS are also available upon request.


Unlimited choice of materials

The standard APS W 2.0 printer series covers a large number of materials – from standard plastics to high-performance materials with continuous carbon fibers or integrated metal filament printing in the die to optical fibers.

  • FFF – ABS, CPE, PET, PC, PLA, PVA, Nylon, PEI, PEEK, PEKK, PA carbon fibers.
  • CFF – Carbon Fiber, Glass Fiber, Aramid, 1.5k (1-3k on request).
  • Sinter – 316L, 17-4PH, 1.2709, IN 718, IN 625, Ti, Ti6AI4V, Wco, ZrO2, AlO3.
  • Copper wires and optical fibers, etc. in the matrix, additional materials on request.


PEKK + continuous carbon fiberConnecting rod

PEKK + continuous carbon fiber

Continuous fiber-reinforced connecting rod for heavy-duty applications. The component coating is printed with filament: 100% PEKK and the load bearing with filament: 55% continuous carbon fiber with 45% PEKK matrix.

TPU Thermoplastic polyurethaneGaiter

TPU Thermoplastic polyurethane

PEKK + endless carbon fiber vacuum suction cups for part handling in robot systems.

PA polyamide and copper wireComponent for flying drone

PA polyamide and copper wire

Copper wire motor supply lines integrated in drone arm (open).

316L stainless steel 1.4301Connecting rod

316L stainless steel 1.4301

3D printing of stainless steel component, printed using powder-bonded filament (sintered component).

Case for wristwatch. Ceramic Al2O3 sintered. Modular 3D Printer W 2.0Case for wristwatch

Ceramic Al2O3 sintered

3D printing of ceramic component, printed using powder-bonded filament, Al2O3 aluminum oxide (view: sintered, ground and polished component).

Wing rib - 55% carbonWing rib

55% carbon

3D printing with pure continuous fiber using the CFF process (without PEKK component coating). To enable maximum load-bearing capacity, the wing rib is made entirely of Filament: 55% continuous carbon fiber with 45% PEKK matrix.

Turbine wheel. 316L stainless steel 1.4301. Modular 3D Printer W 2.0Turbine wheel

316L stainless steel 1.4301

3D printing of stainless steel component, printed using powder-bonded filament (sintered component).

PA polyamide + carbonSqueeze-out tool

PA polyamide + carbon

Fast and simple production of assembly aids.


Continuous Filament Manufacturing (CFF)

Produce high-strength and lightweight parts from solid carbon fiber. Enhance your details with other continuous filaments such as fiberglass, aramid, metal wires and more.


For large components

Using the standard APS W 2.0, you can manufacture components up to 400*250*370 mm in size.


Multiple print heads

The printer can use up to 4 different materials or material variants at the same time.


High temperature printing with water cooling of the head

Water-cooled print heads ensure precision, repeatability and absolute accuracy. Thanks to the advanced FFF technology, it reaches temperatures up to 500 °C, which enables the processing of high-performance polymers.


Unrivaled accuracy

A high-precision gantry design with powerful drives, combined with our many years of experience in custom design and robotics, has resulted in a high-precision additive manufacturing machine for complex industrial requirements.


Made in Europe

Conceived, developed and assembled in Austria with APS (Automatisierte Produktions-Systeme Gesellschaft m.b.H.) in-house precision and highest quality. 90% of all components are manufactured in Europe/EU.


APS W 2.0 modular 3D printer – specifications

3D printing technologyFDM
Print volume with two fixed print heads400*300*400
Print volume with automatic print head change400*255*370
Print volume48 л
Frame constructionHigh precision and stable gantry design
Construction of the z-axisHigh precision spindle
Printhead speedMax. 500 mm/sec.
Automatic printhead change system4 slots (1 slot = 1 printhead)
Tool change time<3 sec
Printhead actuatorDirect drive / Bowden drive. Heavy-duty stepper motor with control system
Print headAutomatic nozzle lift function, single nozzle, with integrated in-line cutter
Printing temperatureUp to 500 °C
FFF nozzle diameter0.15 – 1.2 mm
FFF thread diameter1.75 / 2.85 mm
CFF nozzle diameter0.6 – 1.2 mm
CFF filament diameter1 – 3 k
Layer thicknessMin. 0.03 mm depending on the material
Head temperatureUp to 200 °C
Print surface alignmentControlled by a sensor
Print speedUp to 24 mm³/s 10-40 mm/s
Filament controlAutomatic
Extruder coolingWater cooling system
Electrical functionsPause and restart function, power failure – restart function
Controls7” touch screen display
Body size1000*800*1500/2000 mm
Weight120 kg
X-axis repeat accuracyUp to 0.02 mm, depending on process speed
Y-axis repeatability up to 0.02 mm, depending on process speedUp to 0.02 mm, depending on process speed
Z-axis repeat accuracyUp to 0.02 mm
Additional modules
Heated print chamberThermal separation of drive and guide unit, up to 70°C
Print chamberExhaust filter
Filament storageStraight / Bowden drive (depending on the type of filament). Max. 4 active
Replaceable print headsMax. 4 automatically changing printheads (only one extruder in motion)
Replaceable tool holderMax. 4 automatically changing holders (only one holder in motion)
Optical controlWebcam
Remote maintenanceVia the Internet (Team Viewer)
Continuous Filament Fabrication (CFF)
CFF – continuous filaments– Carbon fiber, glass fiber, aramid, …
– Thickness: 1.5k (on request 1k or 3k)
– Matrix: PA6 (on request: PEKK, PEEK, PLA, … )
CFF – special filamentscopper -, tungsten -, metal wire, optical fiber etc.
Fused Filament Fabrication FFF
FFF – plastic plasticsABS, CPE, PET, PC, PLA, PVA, TPU, Nylon тощо
FFF – high-perfomance plasticsPEl, PEEK, PEKK, Carbon Fiber PA тощо
FFF for sinter applications
High alloy chromium steels316L | 1.4404, 17-4PH | 1.4542
Martensitic steel12.709
SuperalloysIN 718 | 2.4668, IN 625 | 2.4856
Light metalsTi | Titanium (unalloyed), Ti6Al4V | 3.7165
Hard metalsWCo in various mixing ratios on request
CeramicsZrO2, AlO3
Additional tools
Print headDouble nozzle
Special toolsE.g. milling head, laser for marking, integration tool for nuts, bolts, RFID, etc.
SoftwareSlicer Simplify 3D (included with standard filament)
Plugin for Simplify 3DIncluded with continious print head
Operating systemWindows 10 Apple, Linux, Android
File types.stl (other files need to be converted to .stl)
Print commandsG CODE
InterfacesWIFI, USB, Ethernet
Electrical installation
Electric power230 V (50 Hz) 16 A
Input power300-400 W maximum 2500 W
Country of manufactureAustria


Buy a universal modular 3D printer APS W 2.0 in Ukraine


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